Hopi Education Endowment Fund | Hopi Tribe


For many years, the Hopi Tribe has seen education as a critical tool in its effort to ensure the survival of its people while at the same time preserving its own way of life. Over the years, the Tribe has made major strides in education, and now there are an increasing number of citizens attending college. Yet, many Hopi students struggle with the costs of higher education. At the urging of citizens from the various tribal villages, the Hopi Tribal Council established the Hopi Education Endowment Fund to provide financial assistance for education to Hopi students of all ages. Organized as a tribally chartered non-profit corporation, the Fund is an innovative form of community investment that also supports the Tribe's self-governance. By investing in the human capital of Hopi's greatest resource its citizens the Fund promotes the Hopi concept of “Sumi'nangwa”, coming together to do things for the benefit of all.

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Last updated on 03/07/2022